Give Back Documentary Productions
Let's Talk About The Weather
Let's Talk About The Weather, is a new series born out of the Covid lockdown. Filming for the upcoming documentary series on Climate Change " Intelligent Life Form" has been further delayed and filming will now follow June 2021. Nevertheless, I feel truly grateful for all I have, so no complaints from me. Now with that in mind, what better way to spend lockdown than with a new Project.
This new series will be made up of Zoom conversations or interviews ( take your pick) with guests who have either been impacted by climate change or those who have in-depth knowledge on how climate change will most likely impact us.
These conversations are more than just personal accounts. It's important to understand that each of these conversations has a bigger role to play and in short, they raise awareness. Climate change is a them thing; It's an all of us thing, especially for the young and for all future generations. Knowledge is power and as individuals, we have the power to influence change and En-Masse the potential is unmeasurable.
Keep a lookout on my YouTube, Facebook and this website for new episodes of let's Talk about The Weather with Jean-Francois.
Ep10. Eco-Anxiety

Dr Panu Pihkala
Dr. Panu Pihkala (b. 1979, he/his) is an adjunct professor of environmental theology (Title of Docent) at the University of Helsinki. He is the leading Finnish expert on interdisciplinary research about eco-anxiety and he is regularly consulted by various media and organizations. He serves as an advisor for the Finnish national project on social and health sector responses to eco-anxiety
Pihkala has engaged for a long time with education, and in 2020 he served as an expert on climate anxiety for the Finnish Ministry of Education and a national educational project (“Hope and Action”). Pihkala was awarded the National Prize for Adult Education (Sivistyspalkinto) in 2018 by The Finnish Lifelong Learning Foundation (Kansanvalistusseura), and he has received also the national Finnish environmental education award (2019). Pihkala leads workshops on related themes and has often collaborated with various artists Please see link ..
Ep8 & Ep9 Climate Justice

Robin Bronen Executive Director Alaska Institute For Justice
Photo Credit:
For the past two weeks, I have been speaking to people from Alaska. Episode 8 saw me speak with two Alaskan residents. Both experienced similar events, however, their perspective around these events within the town of Quinhagak, appear very different. This is partly why climate change is so complex and does not get the full support that is needed to create real change. The fact that there is so much misinformation both online and readily available, is why people are confused as to what to believe. It's an interesting episode and it does give an insight into what is happening across Alaska
Episode 9 is clear in the message that is being delivered. I speak with Robin Bronen who outlines some of the challenges faced by Alaskan residents as well as the fight for justice. It was a very interesting discussion and one that also provided me with the historical context by which the Alaskan natives arrived in this very weather harsh environment. Both episodes are thoroughly enjoyable and will hopefully give you a sneak peek into the impacts of climate change across the globe . Please see link for interview;
Ep7. Food For Thought
Dan Crossley is Executive Director at Food Ethics Council, an independent think tank whose mission is to accelerate the shift towards fair food systems that respect people, animals and the planet. Dan has worked on food sustainability issues for over 15 years, leading work on a range of issues, from our relationship with meat to tackling household food insecurity to power dynamics in food systems. Dan is a member of Defra’s Consumer Stakeholder Consultative Group and N8 AgriFood Food Systems Policy Hub Advisory Group. Dan formerly chaired the Sustainable Food Supply Chains Commission and was a WWF LiveWell Leader in Europe. Previously, he worked for a food manufacturing company before leading Forum for the Future’s work on sustainable food.
In this week's episode, I speak with Dan Crossley, Executive Director at the Food Ethics Council. My conversation with Dan was highly anticipated by myself as food is the foundation of our existence and should be a subject that is close to all our hearts. One of the areas covered in our conversation related to having a fairer food system for all across the globe. This is not just for the wealthy or for humans as a whole but for all living creatures. There was so much covered in our short conversation that I was pretty much left feeling like my head was spinning. To me that reflects just how complex the food system is and how when connected with climate change, adds one more level of complexity. Nevertheless, regardless how complex the subject is, having an understanding is the key to finding an overall resolution. . For the full interview pls see link
Ep6. A Votre Santé (Champagne Drappier)

Michel Drappier
Chonological Timeline Roots of Drappier Champagne go back to:
12th - century in the Cistercian era.
1808 - Francois , Michel Drappier's maternal ancester establishes vineyard in Urville, France.
1930 - Georges Collot, Maternal grandfather of Michel Drappier plants the Pinot Noir.
Present day 70% of Drappier vineyards are Pinot Noir.
1952 - Andre and Micheline Drappier ( Michel's parents) launch the Carte d'Or cuvee with a destinctive yellow label.
1968 - Micheline Drappier comes up with the idea of a100% Pinot Noir Rose.
1979 - onwards Michel Drappier heads the family business with his father Andre in a guiding Role
Michel and Sylvie Drappier have three children Charline, Hugo and Antoine ( they prepresent the 8th Generation of the family Drappier
Michel Drappier is the 7th generation of the Drappier family and owner of Champagne Drappier.
​Raised by his wine pioneering parents Micheline and Andre, Michel followed in their footsteps and studied Viticulture and Oenology in Beaune , Burgundy. He worked as oneologue in Chandon-Napa before he took over the winemaking of his family House in 1979.
Since then, he has been dedicated to producing the best Pinot Noir -driven Champagne, basing his research on his Burgundian wine education. Michel has created one of the first single-parcel cuvees with the release of Grande Sendree in 1975. Part of his experimentation was to improve the quality of Champagne in large formats. Champagne Drappier is the only House to operate the "prise de mousse" in all its bottles, including the largest in the world, Melchizedec (30litres)
Michel is particularly conscious of the "vigneron" legacy inherited from his parents, of their roots in Cote des Bar, and the care required for the land. In the late 1990's, Drappier was one of the first Houses to release a Zero Dosage. The Brut Nature 100 per cent Pinot Noir is the purest expression of its terroir and the signature of the House style. for over a decade Michel has been at the forefront of regrowing and reusing old varieties from Champagne and the Quattour, which include Arbane, Petit Meslier and Blanc Vrai in the blend.
Michele now oversees the 57-hectare estate of the Drappier family 15 hectares of which are accredited organic. Since 2016 he can count on help from his son Hugo in vine growing and winemaking
​The house has developed its representation in over 93 countries under Michel's love for the world and his inclination for languages and travel. Champagne Drappier is now recognized by Michelin-starred restaurants and high-end wine specialists over the world. His daughter Charline now supports him in sales and marketing, under the benevolent watch of Andre Drappier the determination of Michel and his wife Sylive, .
In this week's episode 6, I speak with the charismatic Michel Drappier from Maison Drappier the producers of the renowned Champagne Drappier. Michel is the 7th generation of the Drappier family of growers and winemakers of the Champagne Drappier. I found this episode of particular interest as it illustrates that climate change is not just about floods, fires, droughts etc, it impacts all aspects of human life and business and commerce. In our discussion, Michel gave a brief insight into the world of wine making and in particular how he, as the head of the Drappier family business, has gone out of his way to play his part in positively addressing climate change. Grab a seat, click on the link and enjoy this week's episode . Please see link .
Ep5. Climate Cover-Up
James Hoggan

James Hoggan is a bestselling author, president of Vancouver’s award-winning public relations firm Hoggan & Associates and Chair of the David Suzuki Institute.
A tireless advocate for ethics in public discourse, he founded the influential online news site DeSmog that reports on climate change misinformation and was named one of Time Magazine’s best blogs in 2011.
Hoggan has chaired and served on numerous national and international boards and advisory committees including Shell Global’s External Review Committee in The Hague, the Dalai Lama Centre for Peace and Education and Al Gore's Climate Reality Project Canada.
He is the author of three books including I’m Right and You’re an Idiot: The Toxic State of Public Discourse and How to Clean It Up, Do the Right Thing: PR Tips for a Skeptical Public and Climate Cover-Up: The Crusade to Deny Global Warming.
In this extremely important episode, I speak with Author James Hoggan. For me, this discussion with James sits at the foundation of climate science, in that, if you believe climate change is real, then that's the first step to taking action. However, when doubt has been added into the equation, there's the danger that people become confused and thus paralyzed and unable to address it one way or the other. So what am I saying? Basically, given how important this subject is, why now first listen to what James has to say and then do your own research and from there make up your mind. This subject is vitally important to the people we love and will love in the future. Make your decision based on research and take a careful look at the information and don't rely on sound bites and conspiracy theories. That's all that can be asked of anyone. JF
Episode 4 Watertight International - Carrying on in the same vein of flooding, I speak with Phil Evers from Watertight International, a company that works with the Environment Agency and those impacted by flooding by offering flood resilience solutions. Have a listen to learn more see link ;
Ep3. The Impact of Flooding
Heather Shepherd MBE

Heather Shepherd MBE. Heather’s specialism is in flood recovery, understanding the issues around flooding, the processes that people face. and supporting them after the blue lights for the months ahead. She advises and supports LLFA’s & LRF’s on the long-term planning in recovery and is the strategist for the NFF’s Recovery Services. Heather is also the director of engagement for the National Flood Forum, she brings over 20 years experience of in engaging with the at-risk public. Her ethos is very much one of ‘bottom up’ - supporting people to explore, understand and find ways to reduce their risk of flooding ‘their’ way, rather than prescribed advice. She is an avid supporter of extensive partnership working that includes the grassroots as equal partners. Heather has had her home flooded, has been involved in many national consultations, inquiries, research, publications, media and is also a member of an RFCC. Her focus remains firmly on understanding the perspective of those whose lives are traumatised by the fear of flooding including the impact and resilience of the deprived.
Ep2. Wildfires/Bushfires
Judge Alice Hill

Extract of Bio ;
Judge Alice Hill is a David M Rubenstein Senior Fellow for energy and the environment at the Council on Foreign Relations. Her work at the CFR focuses on risk, consequences and responses associated with Climate Change. Hill previously served as Special Assistant to President Barack Obama and as Senior Director for resilience policy on the National Security Council where she led the development of the National Policy to build resilience to catastrophic risk including Climate Change and biological threats. Hill Also co-authored her 2019 book Building a Resilient Tomorrow and in 2020 Yale University awarded her the Public Voices Fellowship on Climate Change.
See below link to the conversation for Episode 2 of Let's Talk About The Weather
Ep1 . Indian Monsoons
My first guest on Let's Talk About The Weather is Sreehari from Monsoon India .
Please see link to video

This is the first episode in the series of informal conversations around Climate Change. My first guest is a very interesting and knowledgeable young gentleman from South India, his name is Sreehari. He has his own social media platform where he provides vital predictions surrounding the behaviour and conditions of the Indian Monsoon. His page "India Monsoon" is utilized by many people who visit his page and use the info to help decide what they next need to.
Apologies for the audio technical difficulties. These have been resolved and moving on from this episode the audio will be of considerable higher quality. importantly, for me, these conversations represent a steep but valuable learning curve. I do hope you can join me on the journey to better understanding our planet with the rest of these episodes of "Let's Talk About The Weather" JF.