Give Back Documentary Productions

Film Festival News
April 2024

September 2022
While August saw Eco Anxiety enter one festival; September will see Eco Anxiety enter five festivals looking for the honour of winning an award or having the privilege of being officially selected or being honourably mentioned. The five festivals are :
Mayfly Film Festival
Handle Climate Change Film Festival
Cambridge Film Festival
Suncine : Environmental Film Festival
Golden Tree International Documentary Film Festival
August 2022

Fantastic news with regards to "Eco-Anxiety " my first film of 2022. So far it's been a successful year with 5 out of 6 film festivals recognising the documentary. However, the latest news to arrive in my email inbox is the schedule for Eco-Anxiety which is to be broadcast on TV as part of the amazing Inheritence Film Festival. As you can imagine I'm incredibly excited about the possibility of raising awareness on such an important subject to a massive audience, via live streaming and the various TV channels which will broadcast the festival.
The details for Eco-Anxiety being broadcast are as follows:
26/08/2002 between 9 pm to 12 am
31/08/2002 between 9 pm to 11 pm
Latest TV is available in Brighton and surrounding areas on Freeview 7 and Virgin 159, and you can live stream the shows from anywhere in the world at
For full details of all the films and festivals see the link below.
It's going to be an exciting festival. I hope you can make it and give "Eco-Anxiety " your support.
thanks as always JF. remember to check back for further festival news and updates